Sunday, September 19, 2010


Brenna has started eating "solids." I write this in quotes because, as all mothers know, the new food is anything but solid. The cereal is a watery mixture of grain flakes and formula. At first, I had a hard time getting the mixture just right because the directions switched from ounces to tablespoons. I had mastered the bottle language of ounces and the cereal wanted you to add a certain amount of tablespoons! Ah! For anyone who knows me, you are well aware that any measurement language is foreign to me.

I finally was able to find the correct ratio and Brenna loved eating it. We started cereal one time a day. I quickly realized that my sweet little one was going to be a very messy eater. Now, I strip her down to her diaper and put on the biggest bib that I can find. It still gets everywhere, but at least we aren't staining clothes. Poor Brenna sneezes for at least five minutes after we are finished eating, trying to get all the food out of her nose. She, also, likes to have her hands in her mouth when she is eating. I think she uses her fingers like a bottle. She sucks on them and feels like she is drinking. So cute, but what a mess!

The first vegetable baby food that Brenna tried was squash. I mixed it with a little of the cereal and she gobbled it right down. She has now had carrots and sweet potatoes. Brenna has realized what the containers mean. She starts kicking her feet and cooing whenever she seems them. I hope that she continues to follow in her daddy's eating footsteps. Please let her like vegetables and things that are good for her!

Watch Me Grow...

Five Months

Four Months

Three Months

Two Months

One Month