Monday, December 20, 2010

Football Season

Brenna and I made it to 11 out of 11 football games! She did awesome and loved watching all the activity going on around her. Away games were a challenge, but we made it!


Where to begin?...I have been a blogging slacker. Three months of updates...I think the easiest thing to do will be to cover the holidays.

Halloween was a blast with my little Boo! I think that she is going to love dressing up in costumes as much as her Mommy does. After searching the internet, and at least three Halloween shops, I decided that the perfect costume for Brenna would be a little lamb! She was a real trooper. The costume had a head piece and footies, but our little B didn't mind one bit.

We began our fall/Halloween season by meeting our favorite McCullers family at the local fall festival. Brenna's favorite part was playing in the huge box of corn.

We rounded out our Halloween celebrations with two parties. One was a kid party put on by Erica Golding. The kiddos in all the many costumes were precious! The other celebration we attended was hosted by David and Kendra Houghton. It was mainly adults, but Brenna did enjoy playing with her far away friends, Piper and Carson.

Up until now, Brenna had mastered the army crawl scoot. She could get anywhere she wanted by pushing and pulling herself along on her stomach. Within a few days at the end of October and the beginning of November, Brenna found her legs and achieved pulling up to a stand and crawling! She amazes us on a daily basis!

We were graced with a full week off at Thanksgiving and it was absolutely wonderful! Even though Brenna started our break with a stomach virus, we enjoyed our full days together and did some traveling. 16 hours total in the car and B was still a great traveler. We were able to visit with lots of family and friends. One of the highlights was meeting Ethan Lee Stroud!

The Christmas holidays have come upon us quick. Needless to say, Justin and I have more wrapped presents under the tree than we have ever had before. I know that Brenna will like the wrapping and the boxes more than the presents, but there are so many cute things I can't resist to buy for her! My mom is coming to stay with us and be here for Christmas, then we will go to Chattanooga to see Justin's family and join his sister and brother in law during their visit. I am looking forward to having two weeks straight with my Boo!