Sunday, June 13, 2010

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays...

We have now officially been initiated into the world of infant and toddler birthdays. It is a great world! I am amazed by the creativity and time spent by my friends to make special days for their kiddos. We have been attending Cam McCuller's birthdays for four years. His have included: a polka dot party, a UGA theme complete with Hairy Dawg appearance, the Wonderpets at Chuck E. Cheese, and Tom and Jerry. Now little sister, Maeve, has joined in the birthday fun with a pink ladybug party for her first birthday. Caroline Golding's party, for her first birthday, was this weekend. It was a red ladybug theme. So cute! I have ten months before B's first birthday. Of course, my mind is already starting planning. Birthdays are so much fun!

Please leave any birthday party ideas that you have used or heard...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Watch Me Grow - 2 Months

Brenna Suzanne Barnes
The onesie that matched the chair was an accident. I guess I like yellow with white polka dots.

1 Month

Friday, June 4, 2010

Over the river and through the woods...

We spent the last week of May in Tennessee traveling from Chattanooga to Nashville, with a brief visit to Martin. Brenna was introduced to great-grans, great aunts and uncles, cousins, aunts and uncles, and lots of family friends. She was a great traveler and enjoyed her long naps in the car. Everyone loved and hugged on our little girl. She is so very loved. In this week, Brenna reached several milestones! The first developmental jump left me a little skeptical. Justin and B were having some tummy time, when he shouts that she is trying to turn over. I didn't even stay in the room because, at 6 weeks old, there was no way she was going to achieve a roll. I was proven wrong. Seconds later, Justin exclaimed that Brenna had turned over! I figured that her achievement was a fluke and an accident, but throughout our trip, she rolled from her tummy to her back several times. Since we have been home, B has had less motivation to turn and has not repeated her performances.

Also, Brenna has begun to brighten our days with smiles on a regular basis. She really likes when we change her diaper, when Mommy or Daddy come back in the room, and when you make her legs "run." These sweet, toothless grins are some of the sweetest expressions I have ever seen!