Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Crib Purchase

When we were securely in our sixth month, Justin and I decided to register for Baby B's future needs. We had fun at Target with "the gun." I love all the little shoes, baby bottle debates, and super soft everything. Thanks to several of my experienced mommy friends and their baby spreadsheets the process was virtually painless. After Target, we went to the local baby specialty store "just to look around..." and found that they were having a major sale. When we saw the Emily crib and realized it was on sale, we had to scoop it up. Now we have a crib for our Baby B, but lack currently lack the house to put it in. (We will be moving between Christmas and New Years.) For the girl that had her wedding dress before the engagement, I think this is completely appropriate!

Unfortunately, when we went to pick up Baby B's future sleeping space, it would not fit in our car. Justin thinks that is the signal that he needs a new truck. Isn't it always something...Ha!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Wow...This Experience!

Baby B has been quite active and mobile over the last few days. This whole baby inside of me experience is wonderful and crazy. I love the feeling of a little roll or kick or whatever she is doing in there.

Yesterday, when she was particularly fidgety, I was pushing back on my stomach with my hands and found this hard spot above my belly button. It must have been some part of my baby pushing on my stomach! I am amazed! Justin was home and was able to feel it too. His face and reaction was priceless. Feeling that made it even more real for him. I feel bad, because I forget that our Baby B isn't on his mind every second like she is mine. He doesn't get to already feel completely connected with her because of all this movement.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's a girl!

The first major period of anticipation is now over. We have found that the soon to be member of our family is going to be a sweet, sweet girl. Being the over planners and way too ready for everything people that Justin and I are, we have had our names picked out for years. Our Baby B has now turned into our Brenna Suzanne! We can't wait to meet her!

Justin has been making a small deal about the fact that he was really hoping for a future quarterback to lead his team. The text and facebook messages that came in after the announcement was made, were very funny to us. Lots of people were consoling Justin and trying to convince him that he was going to be fine with a girl. My favorite comment was that he didn't need to worry, because she would be just like the "Remember the Titans" girl. Ha! Everyone has no need to worry. Justin would love a boy at some point, but throughout the entire pregnancy, we have been talking about what it would be like to have a bouncy baby girl. He has been secretly sending me pictures of cute UGA dresses and has been smiling at the little girls we see in public. He is definitely ready for the girl of his dreams!

As for me, I had been imagining our lives with both a boy and a girl. As my mother has always said, girls have it much harder in life. Saying that, I have been thinking about hair bows and monogramming even before I became pregnant. I knew either baby would be absolutely perfect for us, but now I can't imagine it working out any other way. This baby girl is already so loved and cherished, I hope she is ready for all the hugs and kisses people are already lining up to give!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Baby B, is that you?

I have been waiting patiently to start feeling my Baby B. I think that it will give me a sense of reassurance. Over the last two days, when I am very still or after I eat, I feel little flutters. Its like a small, tickling from the inside. I hope this is the baby and not just my wishful thinking! Hello, Baby B!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Learning How to Be a Mom

This weekend, I was privileged enough to get first hand lessons on being a mother from the best example possible...My MOTHER! She has gracefully entered the new stage of her responsibilities of having a daughter by helping me get ready for my Baby B. We spent time oohing and aahing over baby clothes, baby shoes, and marveling at the innovations that have come out since I was a baby. She had dug up my old baby dresses and bloomers and told me stories about almost every piece. I find this time in my life rather overwhelming. It is wonderful to have my mom be my best friend and my teacher.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Tailgating without Adult Beverages

So this is only kind of baby news, but I participated in my first UGA tailgate without partaking in any alcoholic beverages. FYI...I have only been going to UGA tailgates for about three years. My experience still included dancing, bad singing, lots of people watching and judging of fellow tailgaters outfits, and cheering for the Dawgs! It was a great day and I had a ton of fun. I am not trying to say that I had any doubt that I couldn't have fun without drinking, but it was just a new experience thanks to Baby B. I thoroughly enjoyed my pink drink of sprite and grapefruit juice with a twist of lime!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Maternity Clothes

Today I took the big trip to the Mall of Georgia. I was in search of pants that would actually fit without doing the rubberband trick and shirts that might last a little while. Following advice from my oh, so trendy friends, I went to Old Navy and Ross. I racked up! I found lots of sales! (If you know me at all, you know this is a must for any purchasing!) My only disappointment was how pricey good maternity pants can be. I guess it is worth it, but the retail gods definitely know we have to have them! Now I need it too get to be the nice, crisp fall temperatures that I need for long sleeves. Come on fall!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Announcing Baby B...

The secret is out! We are having a baby. As you can tell from the picture above, we brought an unknown, extra special souvenir home from our Italy trip.

I first realized that something was different when I went back to work at the end of July and I was not in the middle of the usual, monthly routines. The next weekend, I took THE test and it came out positive! I was shocked. We had been trying, but did not expect any results to happen so fast.

As anyone that knows me will attest, I can not keep a secret. It has been incredibly hard to wait until the 13th week to make an official announcement, but I have managed (mostly, :))

Below is our first picture of our Baby B! Of course the baby looks more like an alien turtle, but its our baby and we love it already! This was taken at 10 weeks. We are now in our 14th week.