Thursday, July 15, 2010

Our Summer

I can not believe that my summer only has two more weeks! Of course, I have to remind myself that I have been off since April... These three months have been some of the most rewarding and challenging months of my life. Learning to be a mother is a wonderful experience, but has it's moments of frustration. Luckily, I have realized that those frustrating moments are quickly forgotten when Brenna holds on to my finger for the first time, smiles that gummy-toothless grin, or achieves another small achievement in the baby world. She has grown and changed so much that I really have a hard time remembering how small she was and how helpless she was when she was born. My obsession with taking pictures and videos helps me to see how far we have come in the short three months, but it already seems like another phase in our past. I have been very lucky, in that she is a wonderful baby! She sleeps and eats well. She is happy and smiles everytime I look at her (or her daddy walks in the room, he is already her hero!) I never thought that I really would be able to distinquish between her fusses and cries, but I definitely can tell when she is hungry, sleepy, or just "talking" to us. We leave tomorrow for a week on the beach. I know that this will bring more milestones and even more firsts into my little B's life. As I have done for the last three months, I plan to cherish and relish every second of the next two weeks. I vow to look into B's big eyes, that are slowly turning green, for as long as she will let me. I will sniff and kiss her sweet smelling head and snuggle her little soft-self every chance I get.

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