Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's a girl!

The first major period of anticipation is now over. We have found that the soon to be member of our family is going to be a sweet, sweet girl. Being the over planners and way too ready for everything people that Justin and I are, we have had our names picked out for years. Our Baby B has now turned into our Brenna Suzanne! We can't wait to meet her!

Justin has been making a small deal about the fact that he was really hoping for a future quarterback to lead his team. The text and facebook messages that came in after the announcement was made, were very funny to us. Lots of people were consoling Justin and trying to convince him that he was going to be fine with a girl. My favorite comment was that he didn't need to worry, because she would be just like the "Remember the Titans" girl. Ha! Everyone has no need to worry. Justin would love a boy at some point, but throughout the entire pregnancy, we have been talking about what it would be like to have a bouncy baby girl. He has been secretly sending me pictures of cute UGA dresses and has been smiling at the little girls we see in public. He is definitely ready for the girl of his dreams!

As for me, I had been imagining our lives with both a boy and a girl. As my mother has always said, girls have it much harder in life. Saying that, I have been thinking about hair bows and monogramming even before I became pregnant. I knew either baby would be absolutely perfect for us, but now I can't imagine it working out any other way. This baby girl is already so loved and cherished, I hope she is ready for all the hugs and kisses people are already lining up to give!


  1. Congrats Becca! I'm so excited for you! You will be a wonderful Mommy to your baby girl! I thought the monogramming wouldn't be as much with a boy but I think I've gone overboard even for our Baby B!

  2. all I got to say is to buy a monogramming machine will save you money in the long run! I got mine for like $250 at walmart. And while you are at it, buy a bowdabra bow maker too ($20 at walmart) Girls are soooo much fun!!! =)
